OH MY GAWD YOU GUYSSSS. People are so sick! All I wanted was to show off some of my very favorite up-dos. No one does a half french twist double pony wrap dove tail loop like me! I thought this would be my big break, and I could finally make all that money off Pinterest that those Pinterest ads are always promising me. Everyone hates my buns you guys. Here are just a few of the DISGUSTING bun related comments I've gotten:
Bunlover: I came to this website to see some cute bunnies bitch! There is not a single fucking bunny rabbit on this website. This is just pictures of hair lumps with no animals inside at all. Where are the bunnies whore? What did you do with the bunnies? Your name is misleading! Burn in hell.
Mad4buns: WTF who wants to look at stupid hair buns? I am so upset. I came here for some sweet pics of hot, fresh, bakery buns. There are only so many website that service my need for pictures of bakery fresh buns. I had already bookmarked this site when I realized it was stupid hair buns and now I can't figure out how to un bookmark it. These buns are neither hot nor fresh in any sense of those words. Fall into a hold and die.
Allboutbuns: No porn?
BumsRfun: I thought this would be funny pictures of bums. Not sad street bums but those clowns that dress like homeless people but in a funny way. Like, it's not funny that they're homeless, just funny that they are clowns who also look homeless. Obviously, they are not homeless they are a clown. They have a job. Clowning is their job, so it's funny. There are no funny homeless clowns here. I'm very disappointed. Get eaten alive by a tiger.
Sexybuns: Very disappointed this is not porn. Stupid click bait title. However, I must say that's a really nice upside down topsy tail pig tail double bun solute. Not many people can pull that off. I hope you accidentally drink acid.
I'm shocked and disheartened. Who knew that people would get this upset about nice, wholesome, buns. I just wanted to have some fun and show off my buns, maybe some of my girlfriends buns, my mom even let me put some of her buns on here you guys! Guys, there are so many sweet buns on this website! Why doesn't anyone appreciate my buns? I worked so hard on these buns you guys! Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know why lookatthembuns.com will no longer be a functioning website. I will continuing showing off my buns in real life, but I have decided to turn my online focus to a new venture.
I considered many titles for my new site, including bighairybuns.com and bunsonyourhead.com, but after workshopping these among my friends there were apparently issues with both. So, since everyone is terrible I am taking my focus off buns entirely! I've been told that I shouldn't give up but I just can't deal with this anymore. You win perverts! I will now focus solely on ponytails and I will not feature any friends or family. It will be all my pony's all the time at onewomanponyshow.com.